ActiveRecord in C# by Abel Perez

This ActiveRecord Framework was kicked off before the launch of C# 3.0 and LINQ and might be a little outdated relative to some of the things you can do now a days right out the box.


Apollo.Common is a set of libraries that implement common functionality required by enterprise applications. The emphasis has been placed on expected use by services and web based applications.

ASP.NET Design Patterns - ASP.NET MVC 2 Case Study Starter Kit

ASP.NET MVC 2 Case Study Starter Kit as featured in the Wrox Design Patterns book

Enterprise Library 2.0 Authenticating Email Trace Listener

An add-on enterprise library 2.0 trace listener that can optionally authenticate to an smtp server to send log messages. Based in part on the entlib email trace listener and work by Erwyn Van Der Meer for the Rolling flat file trace listener

Unity Auto Registration

Unity Auto Registration extends Unity IoC container and provides fluent syntax to configure rules for automatic type registration. Using few code lines you can scan specified assemblies and register all types that satisfy your rules.


AzureLogProviders is a library which provides ready to use log providers for azure.

CAB Extension / Test Suite reference application (9,2 MB)
The CAB Extension library extends the Composite UI Application Block with a Workspace for the DockPanel Suite library (VS 2005 similar user interface) and more.

CarbonKit (489 kB)
A set of enhancement libraries for .NET developers. Provides tools, controls, helper classes & extensions to get the job done. Currently, this kit will focus on extending WPF Toolkit / .NET 3.5 / .NET 4 / WP7 / Silverlight 3 / Silverlight 4 / XNA 4

.NET Configuration Manager (1,7 MB)
The “.Net Configuration Manager” tool allows developers to manage .net 2.0 configuration sections and perform the following tasks: Validate configuration Encrypt configuration files Manage changes in configuration differences for deployment scenario's The tool is non-intrusive and can be ran from within Visual or in a standalone tool.


Common Service Locator library is now located here:

Composite Extensions / Test Suite reference implementation

This project provides a new reference implementation for the Composite WPF libraries.

Composure (152,4 MB)
THIS PROJECT IS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING RECONSTRUCTED. It will focus on the development of a comprehensive COMPOSITE APPLICATION PLATFORM. (Stay Tuned!)


.communities is an AJAX-enabled, multi-user content management system that allows for an individual or an ISP to quickly create and administer a collaborative website such as a club site, a user group site, or a news site. Based on the popular source code of the original Community Starter Kit (CSK) released in 2003, it has a number of standard content modules and supports multiple site/url configurations via a single database. .communities contains all the features that you would expect to find in any other Web 2.0 application; HTML content, Wikis, Blogs, Discussions, Photo Galleries, RSS Newsfeeds etc. as well as a plethora of advanced configuration options and settings. Out of the box, .communities has everything you need to create and manage most types of site - its easy to use and runs on a core framework that can be fully customised if required.

Enterprise Library Extensions - DI + ORM (10,5 MB)
A set of extension points and application blocks that add on to the functionality of the Microsoft Patterns & Practices Enterprise Library (2006). Features such as an XML configuration based Dependency Injection Framework and a simple Object Relational Mapping Framework have been implemented. Other features inlcude a remoting and MSMQ mechanisms , both via DI, that allow developers to quickly remote and messaging enable applications.

ElValWeb (249 kB)
The goal of the project to create full featured implementation of ModelValidatorProvider for Enterprise Library Application Validation Block, wich would make client validation for ASP.NET MVC 2 with ELAVB as powerful as server side.

patterns & practices – Enterprise Library (368,0 MB)
Microsoft Enterprise Library is a collection of reusable software components (application blocks) addressing common cross-cutting concerns.

EnterpriseLibrary Azure Backing Store

Most developers face difficulties in migrating the application, which is using caching block of Enterprise library, to azure due to unavailability of app fabric cache backing store for Enterprise Library. This library provides an app fabric backing store for enterprise library.

patterns & practices: Enterprise Library Contrib

Enterprise Library Contrib is a community developed library of extensions to the patterns & practices Enterprise Library.

Enterprise Library Extensions (12,2 MB)
Extensions for the Microsoft Enterprise Library application blocks which makes programming applications even easier.

Enterprise Library 5 Extensions

Extensions for Enterprise Library 5 that include: * SharePoint 2010 Logging Trace Listener. * Cache Provider for Windows Server AppFabric. * Disabled Cache Prov